Vallecas Todo Cultura  > Vallecas Puerta del Cine


 International Festival  VALLECAS PUERTA DEL CINE


It's an international festival, and film or video makers from all over the world are welcomed to enter the competition with experimental works.

The competition has the following prizes:

Best Short film                                                                                         1.500 €

Most innovative script                                                                           1.000 €

Best visual work                                                                                     1.000 €

The shorts may be submitted in DVD format, with a filled entry form. You can get the entry form directly in Vallecas Todo Cultura or opening it from our web page:

Films must not exceed teen (10) minutes in length, including credits tittles

The deadline is: 1 october of 2011

Each participant may submit a maximum of 3 works .

All shorts must have been made later than january 2010

The jury must declared desert some or all prizes, and must nominated some works to be recibed especial prizes

Candidates will cover shipping costs to send works to the Festival. The bold inscription "NO COMMERCIAL VALUE, FOR CULTURAL PURPOSE ONLY" is necessary on the package. 

 The works must be sent to

Vallecas Todo Cultura

Para el festival Vallecas Puerta del Cine

C/ La Diligencia 19, local B

28018     Madrid      Spain

By entering the festival, the participant agrees to all the rules and to the decision on the Organization in non specified cases.



Tel. 34 91 777 07 60
Fax 34 91 777 08 47


NOTE: The application of these rules, and  himself the festival to be depended of the assignation the official subsidize

At all prizes will be applied the legal tax